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Aman Gupta
Aman Gupta
CompSci Enthusiast, FOSS Developer and a DevOps Engineer.

Self Help App - PUSH-D

Tech Stack: Java, Spring, React

Timeline: Feb 2022 - May 2022

  • A platform where patients suffering from Depression can seek professional psychiatric help or follow the guided material present in the app.

Railway Ticket Booking System

Tech Stack: C, System Calls

Timeline: September 2021

  • Consists of 3 roles, Admin, Agent & Customer.
  • Admins can add/remove/modify trains, Agents can book tickets and Customers can update/cancel their bookings made by the agent for their account.
  • Database was maintained as files and concurrency was maintained by file locking.

Hydrocarbon Exploration using Seismic Imaging

Tech Stack: Python, Flask, Keras Timeline: January 2019 - April 2019

  • Seismic-data interpretation has as it’s main goal the identification of compartments, faults, fault sealing, and trapping mechanism that hold hydrocarbons.
  • Our solution to the problem is to use U-Nets.
  • Each pixel in the image is checked for the presence of salt and further on this is how the proportion of salt in that seismic image is calculated. Our model boasts an accuracy of 94.7%.